Sunday, 9 December 2012

Music Video Ratings

This post lists the music videos I have analysed and my personal rating of each of them. I will rate them out of ten on four main points:

Content - this concerns the narrative and/or structure of the music video
Visuals - the way in which the visuals are used to create different effects
Sound - how sound is implemented for various results - this can be matching the action to the lyrics, using other sounds, and more
Longevity - this is how well the music video stand the test of time. Is it long or absorbing enough to begin with, and will you want to watch it several times or come back to it in the future?

This will result in an overall score out of 40.

You will see that most of the music videos I have analysed are (at least partly) from the pop genre. This is due to the fact that pop is the primary genre of the track we have used for our music video, Tonight I Let You Go by The Colours.

List of Scores in order of Score (descending):

Nothing Compares 2U - 35.5/40
Afrika Shox - 32.5/40
What's a Girl to Do? - 29/40
Skyfall - 26/40
Paradise - 23.5/40

Separate Scores:

Afrika Shox:

Content - 9/10
Visuals - 9/10
Sound - 7/10
Longevity - 7.5/10

Total Score: 32.5/40


Content - 5/10
Visuals - 7.5/10
Sound - 9.5/10
Longevity - 4/10

Total Score: 26/40


Content - 4.5/10
Visuals - 7/10
Sound - 6.5/10
Longevity - 5.5/10

Total Score: 23.5/40

What's a Girl to Do?:

Content - 7.5/10
Visuals - 7.5/10
Sound - 7/10
Longevity - 7/10

Total Score: 29/40

Nothing Compares 2U:

Content - 8.5/10
Visuals - 10/10
Sound - 9/10
Longevity - 8/10

Total Score: 35.5/40

1 comment:

  1. A nice idea to grade the quality of the music videos you've researched! I'd agree with your ratings.
