Monday, 25 February 2013

Provisionally Finished Print Productions

Below I have shown the provisional final designs for my print productions: the digipak and the magazine advert. 


Panel 1:

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:

Magazine Advert:


  1. Will I strongly advise you to add colour to Panel 1 and to your advert as suggested in lesson. Note the bright luminous pink I suggested is also used in the HMV logo so has a strong link to the music industry.

    If you Google HMV logo you will see what I mean, thus you could justify use of this colour for text whilst considering appeal to the audience demographic who like boy bands.
    If not happy with this colour then another which makes a statement and will strongly market the band.

    Also at least 8 tracks on Panel 4. Good luck!

  2. I am going to edit it tomorrow, trying out the different techniques. I may add a post showing how band like Coldplay use a lot of pink/bright colours on their print productions.
