Monday, 15 October 2012

Final Shot List

This is the final shot list for our music video. It will serve as a guide to what we need to shoot when we start the large shoots on our shooting schedule.

1. Circular movement shot of boys face as he sleeps in bed - close up bird's eye view shot

2. Slightly high angle  medium-close up shot of the boy in bed (red and white covers) with a photo frame of his ex-girlfriend and an alarm clock on the bedside table. The boy wakes up and hits the alarm clock, causing it to light up red.

3. Static close up shot of the photo frame and window as boy gets out of bed, determined to get his ex-girlfriend back

4. Tracking shot of boys feet as he walks out of his bedroom - intertextual reference to the opening of Kill Bill: Volume 2

5. Worm's eye view of the boy running down the stairs

6. Static close up tilt of the boy walking out of the door, putting on his dark grey suit - intertextual reference to the conventional costume of thrillers such as The Third Man. The door closes behind the boy - this acts as a link to the final shot where the door of his ex-girlfriend closes.

7. Extremely low angle shot from the shingle in front of the house of the boy walking onto the street. Shingle takes up bottom part of shot.

8. Slightly high angle medium tracking shot from the side of the boy walking down the street - this contains several occurrences:

-The boy having to avoid people and obstacles - occasionally knocking into these people or obstacles - this is an intertextual reference to The Verve's music video, Bittersweet Symphony.

-The boy having to step up - over something or onto a higher level. This could also reflect the boy having to mentally "step up" if he wants to be with this girl. This step up leads into the next shot.

9. As the boy steps up, the background changes - this is the next shot. This is the same shot, but going up a staircase. This shot is less of a high angle shot to reflect the progression of his mental state (linking to him mentally "stepping up", as previously mentioned). The shot tracks him up a staircase in an urban environment.

10. As the boy nears the top of the staircase(s), it switches to a front shot (slightly high angle, medium shot) as he gets to the top. This is an intertextual reference to the camera angle in Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve. To strengthen this intertextual reference, we will have the boy knocking into people again, like the main character does in Bittersweet Symphony.

11. As he reaches the top of the stairs, the location switches back to the street (still a medium front shot). The shot becomes a slightly less high angle shot (again). Going up the staircase represents his increasing maturity through this part of the music video. 

12. When the boy gets to the corner of the street, the shot switches to a high angle shot of the corner (each side of the corner is symmetrical - it will resemble a triangle). These two sides represent the two halves of the music video - the first half is when the boy is still quite underconfident and immature. As he progresses to the second half (when the chorus starts - approximately halfway through the song) the boy starts to become ready to reunite with his ex-girlfriend.

13. As he turns the corner and the chorus starts, the shot becomes a close up static shot - no high or low angle as the main character is starting to gain a significant amount of confidence. The lighter, more positive tone is reflected by the new location - the boy is now walking down a different, better lit street which contains more people. This progression of lighting through the video is an intertextual reference to Paradise by Coldplay, were the lighting gets lighter, brighter and more positive throughout the video. The increase in people in the shot reflects the convention of fans being featured in music videos such as Coldplay's Paradise - fans are a big part of the pop genre. Several things will happen as he walks down this new street, such as:

-Meeting his ex-girlfriend in the street - this will be presented in a way that suggests it could be his imagination, or she could be real. This will be done with tilt shots and slow motion when we edit the music video together. Walking past the girl is an intertextual reference to when something similar happens in The Verve's music video for Bittersweet Symphony.

-He will bump into people, such as his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend. The two will eye each other up, and will proceed to knock into each other in a close up shot. This will help to establish the character that is his ex-girlfriends new boyfriend.

14. The next shots will be the flashback shots - dream-like shots where the boy walks through locations and situations that are prominent in his memory of the relationship he had with this girl. Colour filters will be used here to associate each flashback with an emotion. These shots will include:

-The boy walking past a bus shelter where the girl is sitting, waiting - the music video will then cut to a splitscreen of the boy deciding whether to meet her, and the girl sitting alone at the bus shelter, upset and abandoned. A red filter will be used here to associate their break up with anger. This decision, to leave the girl, is one the boy regrets - this shows the immaturity of the boy when he was in a relationship with the girl.

-The boy walking through a park, where the girl and her new boyfriend are sitting together on a bench - the main character will stop, and the three characters will exchange awkward glances. Then, the boy will keep walking. The colour filter used here will be a green filter, as green is associated with envy. This will connote the envy the boy has for the couple.

-When the boy finally sees the girl's house, you will see him get out an image of the girl (the same image of the girl that is on his bedside table to establish the character of the girl at the start of the music video - this causes the two shots to be connected and makes the consumer think about the music video and the links contained in it) and look at it for a moment in a close up shot. The colour filter used here will be orange, as orange is associated with bravery and determination - and the boy is determined to get her back.

15. In this shot, the colour filters will be removed as the boy is returned to reality - the shots of him will now be low angle to show his progression from weak and irresponsible (high angle shots) to strong and confident (low angle shots). He will see the house of the girl and go down the pathway to her house in an over the shoulder shot.

16. There will be a static close up shot of the boy walking up to the door of the girl's house. He will knock on the door, and the girl will let him in without a word - she knows everything she needs to know with one look. The door will close, and the final image will be a static close up shot of the door - this links to the close up shot of the boy's front door, which creates a connection between the two people. The mystery of what happened inside keeps the consumer of the music video interested right until the end, and will make them think about the music video after it has finished - it could make them want to watch the music video again.

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